Small vessel   
Effect of stents in reducing restenosis in small coronary arteries: A meta-analysis
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P. T. Vaitkus
Promising efficacy of primary gradual and prolonged balloon angioplasty in small coronary arteries: a randomized comparison with cutting balloon angioplasty and conventional balloon angioplasty
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Balloon angioplasty plus cilostazol administration versus primary stenting of small coronary artery disease: final results of COMPASS
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The Canadian study of the sirolimus-eluting stent in the treatment of patients with long de novo lesions in small native coronary arteries (C-SIRIUS)
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Coronary stenting versus balloon angioplasty in small vessels: a meta-analysis from 11 randomized studies
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Treatment of very small vessels with 2.25-mm diameter sirolimus-eluting stents (from the RESEARCH registry)
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P. A. Lemos, et al.
Stent implantation in very small coronary arteries: the Tsunami SV International Registry
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G. B. Danzi, et al.
Sirolimus-eluting vs uncoated stents for prevention of restenosis in small coronary arteries: a randomized trial
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