News | TCTAP 2021 Virtual

Antithrombotics after TAVR: seeking an optimal strategy in an unsolved game

April 24th Hot Topics Session of TCTAP 2021 Virtual

News | TCTAP 2021 Virtual

A New Radiation Protocol to Reduce Radiation for Complex PCI

April 23th Hot Topics Session of TCTAP 2021 Virtual

News | TCTAP 2021 Virtual

Antithrombotic Therapy after CTO-PCI: A Long Way to Go

April 23th Hot Topics Session of TCTAP 2021 Virtual

News | TCTAP 2021 Virtual

Left Main PCI vs CABG: From the Final EXCEL Outcomes to Patient Recommendations

April 23th Hot Topics Session of TCTAP 2021 Virtual

News | TCTAP 2021 Virtual

Angiography-derived Coronary Physiology

April 23th Hot Topic Session of TCTAP 2021 Virtual

News | TCTAP 2021 Virtual

Vulnerable plaques: What you can predict, you can prevent

April 22th Hot Debates 2021 in Interventional Cardiology of TCTAP 2021 Virtual