Video | TCTAP 2023

Live Case #10: TAVR and TEER

May 8, 2023, 9:50 AM ~ 11:10 AM | Valve & Endovascular Theater, Vista 1, B2

May 15, 2023 783 0 Read More

Video | TCTAP 2023

Live Case & Lecture #9: TEVAR/EVAR

May 8, 2023, 8:10 AM ~ 9:40 AM | Valve & Endovascular Theater, Vista 1, B2

May 15, 2023 790 0 Read More

Video | TCTAP 2023

Live Case #8: Opening the Black Box of the Microcirculation: Absolute Flow and Resistance Measurement

May 8, 2023, 4:30 PM ~ 5:50 PM | Coronary Theater, Walker Hall, Level 1

May 15, 2023 795 0 Read More

Video | TCTAP 2023

Live Case & Lecture #7: Complex PCI

May 8, 2023, 2:50 PM ~ 4:30 PM | Coronary Theater, Walker Hall, Level 1

May 15, 2023 831 0 Read More

Video | TCTAP 2023

Live Case #6: LM & Bifurcation PCI

May 8, 2023, 1:30 PM ~ 2:50 PM | Coronary Theater, Walker Hall, Level 1

May 12, 2023 771 0 Read More

Video | TCTAP 2023

Live Case & Lecture #5: CTO

May 8, 2023, 9:50 AM ~ 11:30 AM | Coronary Theater, Walker Hall, Level 1

May 12, 2023 814 0 Read More

Video | TCTAP 2023

Live Case & Lecture #4: LM PCI

May 8, 2023, 8:10 AM ~ 9:50 AM | Coronary Theater, Walker Hall, Level 1

May 12, 2023 772 0 Read More