Video | TCTAP 2023

[Hot Topics] Bifurcation PCI

May 8, 2023, 11:30 AM ~ 12:20 PM | Coronary Theater, Walker Hall, Level 1

May 12, 2023 999 0 Read More

Video | TCTAP 2023

[Hot Topics] Left Main & Multi-Vessel (Practice Changes After ISCHEMIA)

May 7, 2023, 4:20 PM ~ 5:50 PM | Presentation Theater 1, Vista 3, B2

May 12, 2023 2016 0 Read More

Video | TCTAP 2023

[Hot Topics] Left Main & Multi-Vessel (Concept Changes After ISCHEMIA)

May 7, 2023, 3:30 PM ~ 4:20 PM | Presentation Theater 1, Vista 3, B2

May 12, 2023 1179 0 Read More

Video | TCTAP 2023

[Hot Topics] NEW TAVR

May 7, 2023, 5:30 PM ~ 6:30 PM | Valve & Endovascular Theater, Vista 1, B2

May 12, 2023 1009 0 Read More

Video | TCTAP 2023

[Hot Topics] Game of Thrones, TAVR vs. SAVR

May 7, 2023, 4:10 PM ~ 5:30 PM | Valve & Endovascular Theater, Vista 1, B2

May 12, 2023 945 0 Read More

Video | TCTAP 2023

[Hot Topics] All About New Data of Antithrombotics

May 7, 2023, 2:40 PM ~ 4:10 PM | Valve & Endovascular Theater, Vista 1, B2

May 11, 2023 896 0 Read More

Video | TCTAP 2023

[Hot Topics] MedTech Innovation

May 7, 2023, 1:30 PM ~ 2:30 PM | Valve & Endovascular Theater, Vista 1, B2

May 11, 2023 747 0 Read More