Video | TCTAP 2021 Virtual

KCTA Symposium: Allied Professionals Session - Part II: Valve & Clip

April 23, 2021 | 4:46 PM ~ 5:50 PM

Moderator(s)-Sung Il Baik, Joon Won Kang
Panelist(s)-Ju Hee Kim, Kyu Sung Lee, Chang-Soon Park, Jin Seok Roh, Yong-Hak Shin

-Optimal Deployment Projection of TAVAR [Seung Yong Lee]
-Q & A
-TAVAR for Bicuspid Valve [Dong Joon Lee]
-Q & A
-What Should We Care About During the MitraClip Procedure? [Geon-Jae Lee]
-Q & A

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