Video | TCTAP 2021 Virtual

Case Session - I. Complex PCI

April 21,2021 | 11:20 AM ~ 12:28 PM

Moderator(s) - Youngkeun Ahn, Jun-Jack Cheng
Panelist(s) - Atsushi Hirohata, A.P.M. Sohrabuzzaman

- PCI to CTO ISR LAD in Acute Anterior Myocardial Infarction: Lifesaving Angioplasty for a Patient with Severe Triple Vessel Disease Unsuitable for CABG [Khai Chih Teh]
- High Risk Percutaneous Coronary Intervention in the Setting of Acute Myeloid Leukemia with Severe Bicytopenia [Kogulakrishnan Kaniappan]
- Use of Intravascular Lithotripsy in Calcium Management: Comparison of Intravascular Ultrasound and Optical Coherence Tomography Guidanc e [Ayan Kar]
- A Case of Successful Rotational Atherectomy in a Dissected and Ectatic Right Coronary Artery [Siti Dalila Adnan]
- Multimodalities to Achieve Complete Revascularization for Sequential Undilatable Calcified Lesions [Shang-Ju Wu]
- The Bail Out Case of Iatrogenic Left Main Coronary Artery Dissection - What Should We Do? [Naoya Yabumoto]

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